Rotterdam en bateau
modifierEn: There are some real possibilities to travel to Rotterdam by ferry. None of them do arrive in the town center, but Hoek van Holland and Europoort are parts of greater Rotterdam
- Hull (England) - Europoort - this is a car ferry, so you can dive yourself to your desination
- Harwich (England) - Hoek van Holland - using this option, a train can take you to Rotterdam CS
- Dordrecht (Nl) - Rotterdam - using last option, a metro can take you to Rotterdam CS. This is an alternative for driving a car over the busy A16 highway in the morning. This trip can also done by train
I hope that one of you can translate this to the page
greetings --(WT-fr) Rein N. 16 novembre 2011 à 13:21 (EST)