« Wikivoyage:Pourquoi Wikivoyage n'est pas GFDL » : différence entre les versions

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+de trad (Import from wikitravel.org/fr)
+de trad (Import from wikitravel.org/fr)
Ligne 20 :
==Une alternative légère==
La licence que nous avons choisis, la Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 1.0, est beaucoup plus simple et moreplus lightweight.« Welégère ». thinkNous thatpensons usingqu'utiliser thela Attribution-ShareAlike 1.0 license (by-sa) meets our goal of having [[Project:copyleft|copyleft]] protection on Wikitravel content, without putting an excessive burden on small publishers. All that needs to be included are copyright notices and the URL of the license; this can be done in a short paragraph at the end of the article.
TheLe bigplus downsidegros ofdéfaut notde usingl'utilisation de la the GFDL isest thatque GFDLles contentcontenu GFDL --comme les articles de Wikipédia -- '''ne peuvent pas''' êtres inclus dans des articles de Wikitravel. ThisCela isest du a une restriction ofde thela GFDL -- you're not allowed to change the license for the content, unless you're the original copyright holder. This is kind of a pain for contributors, but we figured it was better to make it easy for users and distributors to comply with our license.
Creative Commons prévoie de sortiresortir un nouvelle version de leurs différentes licences courent 2004. Compatibility with other Free licenses is "la priorité n°1", and we can expect that some time after that version change, articles created on Wikitravel can be distributed under the GFDL. So, even though we can't include GFDL work into Wikitravel, other Free Content authors can include Wikitravel content into their work.
==Autres options==
Ligne 32 :
*Vous pouvez contacter la [http://www.fsf.org/ Free Software Foundation] (FSF), authors of the GFDL, and [http://www.creativecommons.org/ Creative Commons], authors of the by-sa license, and let them know that the fact that their licenses don't mix is causing you difficulty.
*Vous pouvez utiliser la [[Project:dual licensing|double licence]] pour vos participations, la "by-sa"?? et la GFDL. Notez que cela complique la collaboration entre Wikitvoyageurs, and requires some attention by you to the stipulations of the GFDL.
*Vous choisissez de ne pas contribuer a Wikitravel. Nous somme désolé que nous objectifs et les vôtres ne concorde pas, mais nous espérons que vous pourrez contribuer a d'autres projets !
*You can choose not to contribute to Wikitravel. We're sorry our goals don't align with yours, but we hope you can make a contribution somewhere else!